ok how did you learn to play self taught lessons , books, videos....
for me i took lessons for two years... starting at age 9, i also studies videos of Eddie Van Halen, Stevie ray, via and others to see what they did. i also listen to any and all music i could and listen really hard to the solos and timing .... then after all my guitar stuff was done. instead of trying to copy every guitar player out there i made my self learn to make my own music. while i did learn cover tunes etc.. i made sure i could sit down and wright my own stuff.. and have my own style so that i would not be a clone of someone else... while its nice to be able to play any song out there. i always said its more fun to be able to just sit down and make your own music and put your own soul into it... i have friends even to this day who can play any song out there, but when it comes time to sit down and wright you're own music they cant..
so when ever i see new kids learning at guitar stores i always tell them its ok to learn other songs as it helps you learn, but also make sure you take time to learn how to make your own music.....