Right now I'm listening to(in an mp3 player):
Testament, Arch Enemy, Jimi Hendrix(of course), Amon Amarth, MegaDeth, Metallica, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, Evanesence, Edenbridge(Love those haunting, operatic female vocals..gets me hard

), As I lay Dying, Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, Overkill, Steve Vai, Skid Row, Bon Jovi(noooo... not blow jovi), Iced Earth, Cradle of Filth, Kill Switch Engage, Rob Zombie, Motley Crue, Poison, Prong, Slayer, Anthrax, MotorHead, The Showdown, Krokus, Ozzy, and Europe.
These are not in any specific order. Just what I'm listening to everyday right now.