Hey! If it is OK to tell y'all about my most favorite singer here, James Otto is his name and if you like both country and soul music, they are put together when James sings! This is what has gone to radio so far from him.
"I Just Got Started Loving You"-from his Sunset Man album, a #1 for two weeks making it the #1 country song of 2008, and scored James his very first Grammy award nomination the following year.
"For You" -from his Sunset Man album
"These Are The Good Ole Days" -from his Sunset Man album
"Since You Brought It Up" -Because this song was never placed on an album, it is only available where ever songs can be purchased online.
"A Groovy Little Summer Song" -from his album named Shake What God Gave Ya!
"Soldiers & Jesus" -from his album named Shake What God Gave Ya!
The following are more of my most favorite performances of his.
"Dam* Right" -from his second album named Sunset Man
"Never Say Good Bye" -from his first album named Days Of Our Lives
"Lets Just Let Go" -from his third and newest album named Shake What God Gave Ya!
"You Don't Act Like My Woman" -also from his Sunset Man album and co-written and co-produced by Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts
"The Blues Can't Find Me Here" -from his first ever live online performance
“A Groovy Little Summer Song” -also from his album named Shake What God Gave Ya!
“Soldiers & Jesus” -also from his album named Shake What God Gave Ya!
"Till That Sun Comes Around Again" -also from his album named Shake What God Gave Ya! (This performance is in front of a crowd that I was a part of in late January of last year. I was standing just a little bit to his left.)
“I Got Your Back” -This is a song that James wrote not too long ago.
God bless you and James always!!!
P.S. James has also become known for his songwriting by scoring the 2009 CMA and ACM Song of the Year awards for his being a co-writer of "In Color" from Jamey Johnson and is also a co-writer of the Zac Brown Band song named "No Hurry" which went to #2 earlier this year.