First off, thanks for another successful month for the
FREE Boss DS-1 Give-Away!. As always, it was fun!
Moving on to a new idea
(thanks to the gearheads who helped with the idea), we're doing a Cover Song Competition!
The song is....
Eric Clapton Layla
Needs to be submitted by the end of September. -youtube, mp3, host it on Gear-Monkey, or any other method so we can all hear it.
Since Clapton is a Fender Man, It just seems like an appropriate choice since we are giving away a
FENDER T-SHIRT Sz XL. "The Rock & Roll Lifestyle"
Here is a site with some backing tracks for those of us with out means or access to such. -- (thx Ninja

You may do this in Electric or Acoustic. Be creative and mprovise the song if you wish! And don't be afraid to sing "Layla" for those of you with a good voice.. or bad voice. It's all in good fun.
1st Place gets this Fender T-Shirt (XL) and 2 sets of Electric Guitars Strings.
2nd Place gets a free set of Electric Guitar Strings.
Everyone else gets a pat on the back!
Any questions, please post them here