5 crap i don't think i would ever use taht many, but hmmm let's see I think i would use a WAH, Noise gate, and equilizer if they even count, lol, but that it maybe .....maybe a tube screamer, if floyd made it,

Randall RM100LB (Lynch Box)
-Blackface mod
-SL+ mod
-Treadplate Mod(JF modded)
-XTC mod
Stiletto 4x12 Slant cab w/ Vintage 30's
Randall 2x12 Cab
Ibanez Weeping Demon Wah
ESP LTD Truckster
ESP LTD Viper 500S
Aria Pro II ZZ Custom Deluxe
'83 B.C Rich Bich NJ (Drop C)
Taylor 316CE Acoustic
Taylor 116CE (Drop A)