Free Boss MT-2 Guitar Pedal. (I’ll pay the shipping to the lower 48- I will ship International via USPS for partial cost)
This offer works on a points system- The member with the most points win. Pretty simple! This starts now and ends April 1st at 12:01am eastern time -4:00.
VERY IMPORTANT: Post in this thread with your current post count if you are playing- Prior post count do not count toward this contest. Your current post count is how we add up your points at the end of the contest, this way everyone gets a fair shake.
If you do not post your current post count in this thread, then it’s assumed you are not playing.
You may post in this thread anytime to state that you are playing with your current post count . If you are a new member and this is your first post, just write 1. Everyone gets a fair shake. Again, all prior post counts do not count towards this contest.
Please only post your post count in this thread. It’ll make it a lot easier at the end of the month when sorting out our winner.
Here is the Points system:
25 points for each ‘active’ referral (get a buddy to join Gear-Monkey and they post 5 posts…. They are active)
10 points for every post you make on Gear-Monkey. Please no garbage posts that are useless. If all you write is one word post, you will be disqualified.
5 points for every song you upload on your Gear-Space music player (must be your material)
5 points for each blog you write in your Gear-Space.
1 point for every picture you upload to your Gear-Space.
As you can see, if you refer your friends, you can rack up points very quickly. You could write the link to this Gear-Monkey contest in your signature on other message boards. You could send out a mass email to your gear head buddies… But make sure you know who you are referring. -- When it comes time to tally up the points, we need to know.
Lastly, it’s your job to keep track of your score at the end of the March. On April 1st just edit your original post and write in your total score.
This is a promotion to kick start the Gear-Monkey community. I think this is a fun and rewarding way to do it.
Good Luck!