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nomadh is Offline
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Default 04-21-2010, 06:08 PM

I got a lot. Including bass I think I have over 25. Many cost under $100 used and most cost under $200 including a repaired Gibson SG and my main MIA strat. But I also have a gibson LP and V. But I really like the way most of my cheapies play better. I think subconsciously if a guitar costs 4 or 6 times more it should play or sound at least 2 or 3 times better. They never do. For my style the cheapies play better.
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Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Thumbs up 04-21-2010, 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by nomadh View Post
I got a lot. Including bass I think I have over 25. Many cost under $100 used and most cost under $200 including a repaired Gibson SG and my main MIA strat. But I also have a gibson LP and V. But I really like the way most of my cheapies play better. I think subconsciously if a guitar costs 4 or 6 times more it should play or sound at least 2 or 3 times better. They never do. For my style the cheapies play better.
I like the cut of your jib.

Could we see some pics?

K thx bai.
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Number of Guitars
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Default Number of Guitars - 04-28-2010, 07:04 PM

I have 2 guitars, love them both and they are from Yamaha. I have never had a problem with either of them. You guys should check out their Facebook page!

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Default 04-29-2010, 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by Brian Krashpad View Post
I like the cut of your jib.

Could we see some pics?

K thx bai.
I've been meaning to do that. I am working on my ultimate $1000 guitar collection. That's a collection of guitars that costs in total $1000. Currently in that collection I have my mia strat and a mia gibson sg.

Actually here's my list

Fender Lead II______________________free
Fender strat MIA____________________$200
Fugly fretless bass__________________$20
Dean Vendetta________________________$55
Red Squier Tele and
Johnson acoustic_____________________$50
Johnson resonator____________________$50
SX 24" scale ash strat_______________$60
Gibson SG special faded_____________$160
Epiphone dot studio w hsc___________$140
Silver creek acoustic________________$60
Tobacco burst tele__________________ $50
6 string Rogue Bass_________________$100

Total of____________________________$945
I'll have to collect them up and get a picture.
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Exclamation 05-10-2010, 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by nomadh View Post
I've been meaning to do that. I am working on my ultimate $1000 guitar collection. That's a collection of guitars that costs in total $1000. Currently in that collection I have my mia strat and a mia gibson sg.

Actually here's my list

Fender Lead II______________________free
Fender strat MIA____________________$200
Fugly fretless bass__________________$20
Dean Vendetta________________________$55
Red Squier Tele and
Johnson acoustic_____________________$50
Johnson resonator____________________$50
SX 24" scale ash strat_______________$60
Gibson SG special faded_____________$160
Epiphone dot studio w hsc___________$140
Silver creek acoustic________________$60
Tobacco burst tele__________________ $50
6 string Rogue Bass_________________$100

Total of____________________________$945
I'll have to collect them up and get a picture.
Whoa, that's some great scavenging. In particular, how did you find the Gibby SG Faded so low? Had it been repaired or something?

Looking forward to pix!
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Default 05-11-2010, 12:40 PM

Yea the sg has a home repaired headstock. So it shows but the neck is perfect and looks decent. I still need to do pix. Specially now that I just got one of the last sx sst ldt2 natural ash strats.
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Unhappy A temporary addition - 05-11-2010, 01:22 PM

Here's the Squier Vintage Modified I bought a few days ago, sorry for the crappy pic:

Here's a better pic from the Sweetwater site:

This is one of the rare occasions I bought a guitar specifically to flip, since I got it for a price below its resale value. I have 3 other Teles, and though none have rosewood boards and none are thinlines, I can't afford to keep a 4th right now, even an inexpensive one. So I will only have this a short time, I'm guessing. It will go up on local craigslist shortly. At least I got to play it in church last night.

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Default 08-28-2010, 06:03 PM

99 G&L Legacy Special
05 Jay Turser Tele (reworked with genuine fender pups and contols and bridge,tusq nut)
05 Jat Turser SG (reworked with genuine Gibson Bigsby from 74 SG,motherbucker pups,les paul pots and switches)
06 Jay Turser deluxe(took out that passive 5 way crap,added mighty mites and artec active tone controls)its sweet
05 Switch Vibracell Innovo 4 Signature
05 Switch Vibracell Innovo 3 Custom(added string tee's) my fave guitar and main axe
06 Switch Vibracell Oscar standard
06 Switch Vibracell Ultima EQ (strange guitar has a peizo bridge 2 humbuckers and 2 separate outputs,i added a roland gk3 to it now it has3 outputs)
09 Dakota Hobo cigar box 4 string
09 Peavey powerslide(love how it sounds,i suck at slide)
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Default 08-28-2010, 06:24 PM

99 G&L Legacy Special
05 Jay Turser Tele (reworked with genuine fender pups and contols and bridge,tusq nut)
05 Jat Turser SG (reworked with genuine Gibson Bigsby from 74 SG,motherbucker pups,les paul pots and switches)
06 Jay Turser deluxe(took out that passive 5 way crap,added mighty mites and artec active tone controls)its sweet
05 Switch Vibracell Innovo 4 Signature
05 Switch Vibracell Innovo 3 Custom(added string tee's) my fave guitar and main axe
06 Switch Vibracell Oscar standard
06 Switch Vibracell Ultima EQ (strange guitar has a peizo bridge 2 humbuckers and 2 separate outputs,i added a roland gk3 to it now it has3 outputs)
09 Dakota Hobo cigar box 4 string
09 Peavey powerslide(love how it sounds,i suck at slide)
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Default 09-13-2010, 01:36 AM

Originally Posted by nomadh View Post
I've been meaning to do that. I am working on my ultimate $1000 guitar collection. That's a collection of guitars that costs in total $1000. Currently in that collection I have my mia strat and a mia gibson sg.

Actually here's my list

Fender Lead II______________________free
Fender strat MIA____________________$200
Fugly fretless bass__________________$20
Dean Vendetta________________________$55
Red Squier Tele and
Johnson acoustic_____________________$50
Johnson resonator____________________$50
SX 24" scale ash strat_______________$60
Gibson SG special faded_____________$160
Epiphone dot studio w hsc___________$140
Silver creek acoustic________________$60
Tobacco burst tele__________________ $50
6 string Rogue Bass_________________$100

Total of____________________________$945
I'll have to collect them up and get a picture.

I finally took a picture of the collection but by then I'd already sold the red squirer tele and the acoustic johnson. I added in an ovation acoustic and a squier strat mini. I think its still under $1000.
Upper left to right.
1: My MIA Strat $200 its a total frankenstein but I loved it so much I was out the door with it and I hadn't even plugged it in yet. I plugged it in when I got home and played it as my main guitar for the next 17 years. It is what I use to measure other guitars.
2: Johnson resonator: $50 off CL. It was a wall hanging. It plays exactly as good as a $1000 model at GC. Too exact. I suspect the same factory
3: Fender lead II. Free Won at Jim's House of Guitars in San Diego. I won it at a midnight madness sale during the Rodney King Riots. Consequently a very low turn out for the giveaway. SCORE! BTW it turns out I was the only guy in the whole store not packing heat that night Very nice expensive feeling guitar. Set up for slide currently
4: tobacco tele. My first tele I think. I liked it I have 4 or 5 now.
5: Acoustic Ovation. $40 off ebay. Its a fill in for my list. It was banged up and it has a loose internal brace but it plays great and when you rock it it sounds a bit like a distorted acoustic.
6: Squier strat mini. $50 off CL. Another fill in. Plays ok
2nd row:
1: Fugly fretless bass $20 off CL. It was a cheap test to see if I liked fretless. I like it and it plays like a mofo. And its the ugliest POS with strings.
2: SX 24" scale ash strat $60 from rondo. Beautiful but theres something going on with the intonation.
3: 6 string Rogue Bass $100 off ebay. It has something going on with the truss rod but right now it plays well and rings out like a gran piano.
4: Gibson SG special faded $160 off CL. Supposed to be $100 but I got into a bidding war when another buyer showed up. It was set up to be a pos but in 2 min I got it playable and realised its potential. It seems to go out of tune easier than other guitars but the headstock fix seems solid and it plays great, I think its the tuning keys,
5: Silver creek acoustic $60 after a double stack coupon and rebate from MF. Solid woods, great size but a little tinny. But so is the Martin it copies. How well is still to be determined.
6: Epiphone dot studio w hsc $140 off CL. Feels more solid than hollow but it plays great. Killer as a dropped D flat for playing soundgarden.
7: Dean Vendetta $55 off CL. Tried it at a GC blowout for $89 but that was still too expensive for me. Its good enough to have been on stage with me for my band and my GC King of the blues tryout.

Well this is my Current $1000 guitar collection. All of these guitars are playable. Some are the best players I have. Some may be sold or traded as stepping stones to other guitars I want and some I could never get rid of. All are friends or family of mine and fill some unique need.
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