Well...I just got back from holiday in Cyprus with my friend's family which was ace (albeit managing to get a fishing hook in my eye <_< ) and there's a old & battered case on one of the sofas- i think i've seen it before (we have a few old cases) so I kinda...bypass it. Here's a pic:
So yeah...my dad tells me to open the case and erm...well...i shouted oh my god :P
I don't know if you can read the back of the headstock, partially due to my shoddy camera skills and mainly because I'm still using a webcam, but it says:
[[serial number I cant quite make out]]
Made In U.S.A [[New York to be exact]].
and all this, including a certificate thingy for £850 [[or $1700 for you lot who use toy monies :P]]
On the way out he was apparently getting offers of around £2000 =D
Can I get a w00p w00p?