What bass shall I buy -
01-05-2008, 07:39 PM
My band *may* have the chance to do a mini-tour in the US (i'm in the UK)
Unfortunately we're not stars - we will pretty much be paying for the privelege ourselves! I don't mind too much; could be a real adventure
I don't want to lug a bass half way round the world, i'll buy something when I get there.
Can anyone tell me what might be a good bass, fitting the following criteria
1) Cheap
2) Tough - I dont intend to get a harcase, so it'll get abused
3) Short scale (or medium at a push)
4) Available in almost any US shop - I won't have time to shop around
5) I want a fat dubby bass sound. There'll be no slapping here
6) Preferably retro looking
Any ideas?