Craigslist strikes again! Got a Fender electric mandolin, cheapie FM-52E SB ("SB" being "sunburst," I reckon):
Also got an Epi PR100 M/NS cheapie acoustic:
Both axes came with the chipboard cases pictured. Will sell the guitar/case, which also came with a capo, strap, tuner, and picks, which I'll keep. The mando will be a good backup to my Washburn Oscar Schmidt OM10EWH electric mando, or vice versa. Plus the Washburn/Schmidt has a "fish" symbol on the headstock that might be a little odd to play bars with, although it's not noticeable at a distance (gray fish on white headstock):
Total damage for 2 axes, 2 cases, tuner, strap, capo, and picks?
$120 USD. The Fender mando streets for $240, w/o case/bag.