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Gig report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Gig report! - 11-14-2008, 09:01 AM

Well, last night the side band, Hoyt and the HotHeads, finally had another show. Our bassist moved to another city about 100 miles away without actually telling any of us, but we had a total of 3 guitarists anyhow (me, the lead singer/rhythm guitarist, and a second lead player), so I shifted back to bass (I had been the original bassist in the band years ago, and then moved over to lead).

I was expecting a lot of people, but unless they turned up very late a lot of folks, who said they were coming on the facebook event page, were something less than truthful. Over a hundred people had confirmed that they'd be coming, and this is a small bar, so it would've been packed with that many in it. It wasn't packed. Kinda a bummer since it was a benefit show for a local homeless/hunger charity.

We went on first and had a pretty good set. I had a great time. The pix aren't that great, I had to hand the camera to someone who is just an acquaintance and hope for the best. Of course, after I did that one of our firends showed up who would've done a better job, and then the lead singer's sister showed up too, who also probably would've done a better job.

Oh well.

I consoled myself with the idea of taking a few crowd shots of the sorority types who did show up, after our set was done, only to find that the camera was now full!

I did take one such shot before we went on:

I'll now post some shots of us onstage, to be bumped with a few more as we go (there was an actual photographer there as well, and I have his e-mail, so if he sends me some shots, maybe evetually there'll be better ones than the crappy ones I currently have). As always, your derisive comments regarding my poseritude are greatly appreciated, and any questions will be gladly answered.

After we played some frat boys came on and did a mix of a Coldplay song, a Beatles medley they made sound like a Coldplay song, and a bunch of originals that sounded just like... wait for it... Coldplay. They were actually talented, but it was so derivative; they'll probably be the next big thing.

Than the Howlies from Atlanta came on. They were way better, great original rock with weird guitars. Both the guitarists were playing through Supers. One had what looked like an old single-pickup Melody Maker, but which was branded Epiphone, the other had some odd Fender with a single bridge singlecoil, Bronco maybe? Anyhow, they brought the rock, so if you're in Florida or Georgia and they come through, go check them out. Oh, and all 4 guys sang backing, and did it well. I woulda took pics of them, but the camera was full.

More pics of us in a bit.
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Re: Gig report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Re: Gig report! - 11-14-2008, 12:27 PM

Turns out we raised over $400. Yay!

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Re: Gig report!
MrSandMan is Offline
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Default Re: Gig report! - 11-15-2008, 12:34 PM

Looks like you had a great time Brian. Man, if I was local, I'd love to have been there. My wife is a HUGE Coldplay fan. So much of a fan that she had "The Scientist" song for when she walked down the isle for our wedding. yeah, she's a dork.

That's impressive. $400 extra bones, that's not bad at all dude. Are you going to do it again?

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Re: Gig report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Re: Gig report! - 11-16-2008, 09:49 AM

Oh yeah, if they'll have us. They do it twice a year, so we'll see.
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Re: Gig report!
ninja636 is Offline
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Default Re: Gig report! - 11-16-2008, 06:23 PM

Cool stuff man.

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