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Weekend report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Weekend report! - 06-29-2008, 10:14 PM

OK, I've tried to get people to talk about their musical hisotry, or post any press they've gotten as a result of same.

Here's a new idea.

On Sunday night, or Monday, come here and tell us about your weekend. More interesting things happen on weekends. And even if nothing really interesting happened, tell us anyhow!

That said, my weekend:


My brother-in-law had volunteered to come hlep up with some home improvements this weekend and bring his nice mitre saw to cut our laminate to length as we installed it, but some stuff came up and he bailed.

So, me and Mrs. K went and bought a 10" compound mitre saw at Lowe's. Marked for a certain price on the box, but right next to it was a big neon green sign saying "Black & Decker bench and hand tools 15% off."

So we get to the checkout, and say, "It should be 15% off." Cashier is a schlub with no authority so he calls the head cashier, a mean little 5 foot-nothing bulldyke named "Star" (not that there's anything wrong with that) over. I walk her over to the sign. She say's the 15% is already off, even though the price on the item doesn't show any markdown. She's like "Too bad, it's in the computer, only the manager..."

"Let's go get the manager."

So the manager comes over and makes it right, and Star evaporates before we can turn around to thank her for her "help." I mean she literally ran in the opposite direction as soon as my back was turned.

Little bitch.


Installed laminate wood flooring in our living room and dining room all day. First, we pulled up the remainder of the carpet that had been under the sideboard, and finished putting a vapor barrier down in the dining room. Then, we had to move the sideboard to the opposite side of the room. We'd already taken all the drawers out.

My wife assured me there was nothing breakable left in the 2 side compartments with doors on them.

Foolishly, I trusted her.

We called the kids in and picked the thing up. Side compartment door opens, a bunch of stuff slides onto the floor with the sound of breaking glass. My left foot is immediately pierced in 2 different places, and, I later noticed, I had a 1-inch gash on the side of my right foot as well. Fortunately, although there's some blood, they are all extremely shallow cuts, really only like scratches. I looked for some band-aids for the bigger, bleeding, one on the bottom of my left foot so I wouldn't bleed on the new floor. Finding no band-aids, I washed off the cut, put a small piece of paper towel over it to sop up any leaks, and wrapped some packing tape around it and up and over my ankle a time or 2 so it wouldn't come lose.

Good as new!

So then we cleaned up the mess, and finished moving the sideboard. We set up the mitre saw on a table on the front porch, and kept our hand jigsaw out there too for cutting around obstacles (Of course, even though they were under the porch, when we were done we brought the saws in overnight.) We layed laminate all day,from the west wall until we got to the eastern end of the opening between the 2 rooms. This left about 3 feet in the dining room, and about 1/3 of the (larger) living room to complete. However, we had no plans to immediately complete the living room, because in the remaing 1/3 of the room is our huge computer armoire, which will have to be emptied and moved before we can floor under it ( and there's still carpet under the computer armoire that'll have to be pulled up, etc.).


Finished dining room flooring. Only 3 or so feet, but took forever, because each pice ad to be ripped to fit along the far edge, plus we had to make special cuts to fit into the transition into the doorway to the kitchen. The kitchen doorway jigsaw cutting took at least 3 hours.

Watched the Euro 2008 Championship match.

Moved the sideboard back into the dining room, moved the dining table back into the dining room. Took down the cornice board over the living room window (for painting walls later). Took down table on porch and brough saws back in. Son got invited to stay over at his friend's huse, so left around dinner.

Now eating pizza and drinking beer.

Should be reading the transcript of a 3-day divorce trial.

Maybe later tonight.

Probably not.
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Re: Weekend report!
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 06-29-2008, 11:00 PM

Sounds like you had quite the eventful weekend. That's cool that you got a saw for 15% off, that's a handy saw... if you're doing lots of work. Sounds like you're doing lots of remodel work. We just did our bathroom last fall. I still have some cosmetic work (trim)- because I don't have a good mitre saw. lol

Making a bandage out of tape and paper towel = determination. We can start calling you Krashpad Mcgiver

Our weekend wasn't as eventful, which isn't a bad thing. My daughter is gone to her moms for the week and my gf had the weekend off.

Friday she cleaned house all day and I was trying to learn some coding and stuff (very time consuming). Friday night we order a pizza and hot wings from pizza hut and watched TV until 2 - 3am.

Saturday I slept in till 11, then.... I don't even know what we did. Just puttered around. Saturday evening we were suppose to meet some friends at the karaoke bar. After we discovered the tire flat on the car, I searched the tread to find a nail. So we had to cancel on that...

Saturday night while we were in the living room, I kept thinking that I saw something out the peripheral of my eye... after I convinced myself that my eyes were playing tricks on me... I'd see it again. I didn't hear anything, so I ignored it. Suddenly here comes a bat out of our bedroom down the hall and into my daughters bedroom. I was like WTF!?! (I'm a chicken shit when it comes to bats) so I grabbed the first thing I could find.. a laundry basket and assumed my position. I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed the broom and the mop. I gave the broom to my gf and I took took the mop. We tip-toed down the hall and couldn't see the bat, but we assumed it was still in my daughters room.... well it wasn't. It found it's way back into our bedroom and swooped out down the hall at us... I ran back to the living room hoping to get room to get a good swing at the pest. before I new it, my girl had it pinned down to the floor with the broom. I stomped on it, threw a towel over it and took it outside. Yep, killed it.

Now I keep thinking that I see stuff out the peripheral of my eye again.

Today we took the car up to get the tire fixed. WalMart tire department wanted to sell us a new tire, said the nail hole couldn't be fixed. So I bought a tire plug kit for $2.39 in the store, while we were there we had to do grocery shopping. I hate giving walmart my money, but since walmart put all the mom and pops out of business, we have little choice. We came home and I fixed tire and changed the oil. Mowed the grass... then we cooked out on the grill and watched some TV.

And that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Nothing too exciting. (did I mention that I hate bats?)

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Re: Weekend report!
ninja636 is Offline
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 06-30-2008, 06:30 AM

here's mine:
Friday-went to work
Saturday-went to work
Sunday- yup you guessed it,...went to work

now I'm waiting for today to be over so my vacation can start. First, I gotta go to the hospital and get ALL my MRI tests on cdrom. Then tuesday going to Atlanta getting a hotel room, find out where my appointment is, go to the zoo or Georgia Aquarium, visit a couple of music stores, go to Bass Pro Shops and pick up a few things, back to the hotel. Wensday, Going to my appointment(hopefully they'll find out why I have double vision and can fix it so I can ride my crotch rocket again) then going to Augusta afterwards to PARTY with family and friends for the 4th.

Edit: I forgot, saturday we got our stimulus check, went shopping bought a few video games, and the Metal Gear Solid version of the PS3. Ordered some D'Addrio bulk strings(10's), and bought 2 new AC units for the house(no central...YET).

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Re: Weekend report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 06-30-2008, 08:07 AM

Aha, some responses!

Chaz, bats are scary for good reason-- some have been known to carry rabies. Gotta be careful with critters like that. We once discovered a squirrel in our upstairs bathroom toilet! Apparently he had come in through the attic, though how or why he ended up in the toilet we still don't know, probably hungry and thirsty and trying to get a drink. We just put the seat down so he couldn't get out and called animal control. They captured him and released him outside.

Ninja, good luck with the tests!
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Re: Weekend report!
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 07-01-2008, 04:04 AM

the ONLY eventful thing that happened to me last weekend was we moved my parent's furniture, which took all day sunday, and part of monday too........ it was more like a srpring cleaning than a furniture move, which sucks since i only signed up for the furniture move (couple minute job)..... haha job was on me..... :-P

stuff it....... then bake it.......
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Re: Weekend report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 07-07-2008, 09:20 AM

Thursday: Mrs. K was working and took our daughter with to help at class, then go to UF fireworks after, son went to the same fireworks with his girl friend (not one word). I stayed home and drank beer and ate a bag of "lite" chips. Won't do the chips thing again.

Friday: did some flooring work in the morning but wasn't feeling too well due to the aforementioned chips. They used to have warnings on them not to eat too many because it can mess you up, but they've taken the warnings off. Guess what? They can still mess you up. Mrs. K took kids to a party in the afternoon for one of her students, who is returning to Cuba, but I still wasn't very well so I didn't go.

Drove up to the nearby town of Alachua for their fireworks around 9. Came home and fired off our own fireworks around 10:30 or so.

Saturday: more flooring and painting and trim work. Floor was finished on Saturday, and I painted the quarter-round trim. Bought a new blade for the power mitre saw and installed it. That's some scary shit. Because if you fuck up and a ten-inch saw blade comes loose, bad things happen.

Sunday: we cut and installed the trim, not only for the new living room and dining room floor, but also in the master bedroom, which we'd never got round to, while watching Wimbledon. Nail guns rock. Now the entire downstairs of Casa Krashpad has wood laminate flooring! Yay! Still have a little trim work to do in the living room where we're putting some molding along the bottom of a bookcase (stain didn't take right and will have to be re-done), but we're almost close enough to start getting furniture back into the living room.
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Re: Weekend report!
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 07-07-2008, 02:58 PM

Sounds like you're coming right along with your remodel work. Reading your posts make me want to go rip out the kitchen. lol

Thursday we drove to my home town (big party) to watch the show. Traffic and people were crazy. Cops were everywhere. We had to sit in traffic for 30 minutes just to get out of the jam mess. Next year we'll walk.

Friday we went to my best friends, he had a bunch of fireworks. We spent most of the day there doing the cook-out, bonfire, shooting-the-shit thing. Kids played and everyone had fun. We left around 11pm because the old lady had to be to work Sat. morning.

Saturday my daughter went and spent the day up at the lake with her grandma and cousins and the rest of that side of the family, invetiable she spent the night with her grandma. So me and the old lady had a relaxing evening and pretty much just chilled at home. Around 2am Saturday night, I started craving blue-berry pancakes, so we went to the 24hr diner and had pancakes

Sunday, my dad had a reunion for his girlfriend's side of the family. He wanted us to come, so the three of went there for a cook-out then we went to the beach.

Needless to say, I'm glad the 4th of July festivities are over... now maybe gas prices will go down? Highly doubtful.

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Default Re: Weekend report! - 09-08-2008, 08:34 AM

This weekend me and Mrs.B tore apart our kitchen. Sanded the wood and getting ready to texture and paint. Have to blow on some ceiling texture hopefully tomorrow.

Saturday I moved black dirt with the tractor... trying to build up around the house so the basement doesn't flood. Our sump pumps were working extra hard last spring. Lots of stuff to do before cold weather. gah

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Re: Weekend report!
Brian Krashpad is Offline
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 09-08-2008, 11:01 AM

Had a wild weekend by my standards.

Friday my kids went down to Universal Studios Orlando for a concert, with their church group. Since I would have to pick them up at 2:30 am, and Mrs. K was going to happy hour with some friends, I figured I might as well go out. After dropping off my daughter at the church I came home, had some dinner and a few beers, sat down in a chair, and fell asleep, figuring the missus would be back by 6 pm, maybe 8 at the latest.

Woke up, 11 pm! Called to make sure Mrs. K was OK (just out yakking with her fellow teachers still), threw on some clothes and drove downtown. Being the night before the UF-Miami game, it was pretty crazy. Parked 5 or 6 blocks from my destination and hoofed it to avoid getting screwed at the pay parking lot.

The aforementioned destination was a benefit for an old acquaintance of mine, Rob MacGregor, a local musician and studio owner, who’d got on the wrong end of a drunk driver’s car. I’ve gigged with him several times in the past (including one of his band Grain’s last shows being my annual birthday gig) and recorded a couple albums for my local piss-ant bands at his studios. He’s recorded all the Gainesville indie/punk “names” like Hot Water Music, Against Me, and Less Than Jake too.

I had a great time, here’s a pic of MacGregor playing harp with the band, called the Righteous Kind, a couple of whom are also buddies of mine, that’s his walker (ouch) in the foreground:

One of the first people I ran into their was my friend Marjorie from my neighborhood, out on a date, she introduces me as Brian “Krashpad” Kruger, haha, here’s those 2:

Then I ran into my friend Rebekah, out on a "sort of first date" with another buddy of mine, Rob Harris. That was a little awkward, because she came up and started talking to me for quite awhile. But she's really yummy (if I were single...) so I was charming, let her sip my extra beer (it was packed so I'd bought 2 pints at once just to avoid the bar line!) and put in a good word for Harris. Here's that lot:

The band photog also managed to take perhaps the most unflattering pic of me ever taken, but what the hell:

So anyhow, the band finishes up and I drive over to the church to wait on the kids. While I'm in the parking a lot all kinds of people are walking through, going between an apartment complex on one side and a house party on the other. This couple goes by, and the girl, a gorgeous blonde, comes running up and says "Wait, I have to tie something on you!

I'm thinking "What does that even mean?" as she proceeeds to take 3 brown paper towel squares, still linked, off a roll under her arm, rolls them up and ties them around my head in a head band. She then says " Don't take this off, if you go downtown you'll see everyone is wearing these!" Well, I had just come from downtown, and had not seen one person impersonating a Micosukee tribesman with a paper towel headband. She then explained gleefully "It's for charity!"

And off they went. Such is Gainesville on the night before a big Gator football game.

My kids arrived shortly thereafter, and of course I still had the headband on, because, after all, it WAS for charity. They had a great laugh when I told them the story of how the headband came to be on me, and we finally rolled in to Casa Krashpad at 3 a.m.

On Saturday we slept in, then I got up and mowed the front lawn. Got cleaned up and took the kids back to church for parking lot detail. The church sells spaces in their lot every home game and makes a lot of money for the youth group. Was there from 3:30 in the afternoon to 8:30, then went home and watched the game on TV.

Sunday I stayed home and did a little writing for work, watched some NFL games, and recuperated.
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Re: Weekend report!
ninja636 is Offline
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Default Re: Weekend report! - 09-08-2008, 03:19 PM

WOW! All I did was go to work on saturday(my last day till next week) fill out all the stupid papers the hospital ALWAYS sends you before you go see them, and then answer the same damn questions cause they ask you. And played around with my new amp. I did see a lot of Auburn hotties coming in the store, our parking lot is a shuttle point for Auburn home games. But I pissed a lot of them off cause I had "Go Southern Miss" on my name tag. I DESPISE Auburn :evil:.

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