Thread: Bugera Amps
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Re: Bugera Amps
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Default Re: Bugera Amps - 03-02-2008, 11:08 PM

i have had quite a few behringer products (the G-100 direct box, a Eurodesk mixer, a 1X15 speaker cabinet (bugera), a tube composer) and i have no complaints, i hear lots bad stuff about their pedals, but imho boss pedals suck, sure they are indestructible, but they sound like shit.... i bought a peavey windsor when all the reviews said they suck, but i think they are amazing once you get comfortable with them, long story short self-proclaimed "tonemeisters" more oten than not are brand-meisters, they read more into a company logo than an actual product, or brand a company as junk from one product....... some of the best companies in the world produce junk, and don't get a bad rap, marshall and gibson are 2 shining examples, marshall make some really shitty amps, "mode 4" "TSL" the MG series, but one or maybe two models save them from a bad rep, and i have yet to find a modern gibson that isn't a prettier epiphone....... all of the modern gibsons i have played sound and play like anyother epiphone i have played, the only difference i can see or hear is gibsons are finished better, to me it appears they all come from the same lines in the factory, and quality control sticks the "sub-par" looking gibsons in the epiphone pile heh......

stuff it....... then bake it.......
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