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Re: Best digital amp for under $700
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Glo2ube is on a distinguished road
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Default Re: Best digital amp for under $700 - 05-18-2008, 12:49 PM

Yup! I have plugins for my DAW that I use to insert that record needle scratch and dust popping noise for the "purists" so they are more comfortable listening in on their Pod's.
I actually smile every time I drag-n-drop my trademark track I created in realtime analog.
It's called "Closed circles"
It's 3.2 seconds of poppy scratchy needle shaving lead in from my first worn out Kiss Alive album. Then a half note before where the audience starts there is a huge thump like scratch where the needle jumps the groove and it starts all over again.
Man! it's hilarious to see who jumps up and starts to run for the turntable at parties!!!!!

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