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Re: Places you've played
Brian Krashpad is Offline
Brian Krashpad is on a distinguished road
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Default Re: Places you've played - 08-27-2008, 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by MrSandMan
I've only played at parties. Nothing paid or worthy to talk about.

But that is one hell of a list Krashpad! I bet you had lots of good times and probably created memories that many will remember for a lifetime.

How have you been bro?
Good thanks, haven't been here enough lately, end of month (lots of work) is coming up, last weekend Trop. Storm Fay passed directly overhead (no real damage or flooding here, didn't even lose power), someone tried to break into my van (get this-- the "collision repair" place our insurer sent me to discovered the jacked-up window was just out of the track and repaired it NO CHARGE!), had a pipe spring a leak at Casa Krashapd (between floors-- water was leaking out of a LIGHT FIXTURE!), kids back in school... so, the usual craziness.

Started playing in church again a couple weeks ago. It won't be every week like it was at my last church, but that's cool.

How is married life treating you? If you chose as wisely as I did, it will be great.
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