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Re: Can anyone help me about what amp i should get
Beckerboi is Offline
Beckerboi is on a distinguished road
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Default Re: Can anyone help me about what amp i should get - 03-26-2008, 06:17 PM

Wow, the Mark IV?! Really? I know Lamb of God uses the Mark IV but i would of never of guessed any of those bands i mentioned did. I know Muhammed uses engl amps, petrucci has a road king, lone star and a I believe mark IV, and Marco Sfogli uses a tri axis. I dont really know about the rest.

Hmm, I always knew that the Mark IVs were extremly versatile, but from what you guys are saying, the roadsters are as well. Well, i guess i am just going to have to find a roadster and try one out and compare it to the mark IV. Sine the roadster is a rectifier, would it generally be heavier then a Mark? I would assume so, but I truly have no idea haha.

Once again thanks again! Every bit of information helps and will take me out of the newbie catogory lol

Thats pretty metal man! BRE BRE!!
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