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NAD: Mesa Boogie Roadster content (Not 56k happy)
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Default NAD: Mesa Boogie Roadster content (Not 56k happy) - 03-13-2008, 03:38 PM

Looky what UPS brought to the door today :thu:

Believe it or not, this is a second hand Mesa Boogie Roadster. Jackal will tell you, these amps will do it all... they are damn near the top of the Recto line. I am still amazed about the independent reverb control per channel (I took a photo of this) if you notice you can adjust the reverb to taste for each of the four channels. Also note how well built the switch is to change from 6L6 to EL34 power tubes. Also can switch each channel to 50 watt or 100 watt.... I find the 50 watt gives more of the tweed tone. Much like the old time Marshall.

And without further I do...

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