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ninja636 04-28-2008 07:57 PM

seems this site has GROWN a lot since I last visited. I been busy, first with moving, and work, and then been trying to start up my own business. Anyway, here's some bad things that have happened since last I was here, 1) Lost my drivers license because I have diplopia(double vision), after numerous MRI's and x-ray's and blood tests, I still don't know why. Sux not being able to ride my crotch rocket. Doc's sending me to Emory in ATL for other testing, and possibly a spinal tap(ouch!, whats my spine gotta do with my eye's?) 2) A bunch of my gear got stolen out of my old house while we were moving, A Randall V2, all my Randall cabs, my Jackson King V, and my ESP/LTD EC500. All I have left are my Crate XT120(with Eminence TH's), my LTD M100FM, and some pedals, which were in the moving van at the time. Some good stuff: 1) Joined a band(no name yet) but we play A LOT of METAL!! :w: 2) Can't ride my crotch rocket any more, so I'm still alive and in one piece( man I miss passin' people on one wheel, and flashing them the metal horns as I go by :rock:) 3) Gettin'ready to open my own business, just gotta get a little more funding :yes:. Sorry for all the rants and sshhtuff, just trying to get back into all my forums and sites I'm a member of. This is the first one I've been to in a couple of months, or more. Peace out guys, see ya later.

Monster 04-28-2008 09:21 PM

Re: Well,well,well...
same here i been busy with work in all.. and come back to find it growing great to see....

plus it helps with the owner is cool...

MrSandMan 04-28-2008 10:09 PM

Re: Well,well,well...
Man, I know what you mean. Riding fast bikes is fun as hell. I sold mine to pay off debts with the intentions to getting another (which hasn't happen yet).

Bastards who steel gear should be shot! That's just lame. Though I never had anything stolen of value, I did have a effects pedal and some cords ripped off once, and that pretty much spoiled my week.

What type of biz are you getting into?

And welcome back Monster, been awhile. I remember you said you were working a lot. Beings that you're in Michigan, that's a good thing. I heard that 3500 was getting laid off at the Detroit GM plant.

ninja636 04-29-2008 07:13 AM

Re: Well,well,well...
Yeah, I like to help CB out(aka MrSandman), and I'm trying to open up a tropical fish store. I've been in that hobby as long as I've been playin' guitar, right now I work at a big box pet store, been there for 4 years now, but worked at another petstore when I lived in Augusta for 6 years(doing the aquatics dept in both). Right now is a good time to get in at the new shopping center their building, cause Kia's coming. I drove by where the plant is being built, man thats gonna be one big mutha!!

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