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MrSandMan 01-02-2008 02:53 PM

Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
What was Mesa Boogie thinking when the designed the Roadster? I mean this thing has more bells and whistle than Nasa's new shuttle... And more knobs than a hooker :fawk:

6L6 to EL34 switchable
100 to 50 watt switchable
gobbs of channels, and loads of buttons
Footswitch wider than a doorway
More buttons than anything that I've ever played... I don't know how to opperate this bad boy yet, it'll take some time.

Are we ready for pictures?


MrSandMan 01-10-2008 11:03 AM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
awsome amp

indytruckboy 02-03-2008 12:10 PM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
Yea, I had a go on a Roadking once. What a overkill of selectablity. I don't know about live use, but it would make a great amp for me at home. If only they weren't so disgusting in the price field.

jackal 02-07-2008 11:51 PM

hey mrsandman
Hi there, I have a Roadster and I've had it about 4 months... lots of bellz on this one, lol.. i am trying to get two different sounds from it.. i was wondering if you could held me get them.. i already have great clean sounds..

I'm looking for the Metallica - "Don't tread on me" sound for channel 3 if possible
and the Dimebag guitar sound for channel 4

can you help me out??

MrSandMan 02-09-2008 02:50 AM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
Metallica should be pretty easy to nail. I don't have my roadster anymore.. but I'm guessing:

turn down the treble to 11ish o'clock
Mids 12:30 - 1ish
Bass (depends on cab) probably 10:30

Precence to taste- (prolly 2 o clock)
gain would be 3 o clock.

This is just a wild guess. I could be way off.

For Pantera, your not going to nail his tone with a stock Roadster, Dimebag used lots 0 stuff in there. Like (2 -I think) Furman PQ3s. I tried a old 1980s greenface PQ3 with the Roadster and it didn't do it for me. The Furman sounds amazing with the Randall RG100ES.

I'm not sure if I can help you out with getting Dimebags tone from the Roadster. You'll need a pedal or parametric eq.

jackal 02-10-2008 02:45 AM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
thanx man.. umm not to sound dumb, but i never get these "o'clock" settings .. im used to the 1 - 10 stuff.. can you help me out with that please

jackal 02-10-2008 03:38 AM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
my boogie...

MrSandMan 02-12-2008 12:24 AM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
Roadster are awesome amps.

o'clock just means looking at your knob like a clock. For example, If the pointer is straight up, that means 12:00 ( aka level 6)

I guess 3:00 o'clock would be maxed at 10 and etc...

willow 02-18-2008 11:19 AM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
Hi everybody.

I was interested,in your opinions, i was considering buying a Mesa Roadster 2 X 12 combo. I play in a rock band, here in the UK and allthough the amp is expensive, it looks a very versatile and top quality amp. I use obviously clean, Overdriven ( signal on the point of break up), classic rock( AC/DC) and good solo setting (Angus Young).
I currently own, an original Vintage Vox AC30 approx age 1964-1967 i think not the Top boost version though, which i have had for over 27 years(this amp is older than me) :) and have gigged with it in many bands, with stomp boxs to give me, the different levels of drive. This is a great sound, but allthough the vox has never let me down and has just been serviced, i feel it is getting old and should be retired or sold, perhaps to help finance the purchace of a Roadster or maybe Steletto Ace 2 x 12.
Or the other dilema is i do have a Line 6 Flextone 2 x 12 XL, which is also very versatile, with the floorboard, which gives me a multitude of sounds, plus i have a setting for, an electro acoustic too plug straight in, as well.
Look forward to your feedback, what would you guys do, and if you did purchase a new amp would you go for a head with 4 x 12 cab or a 2 x 12 combo. My view is, if you've played and owned both and had lots of amps, your opinion would be of grat value to me. Many thanks from willow, Heysham, nr Morecambe, Lancashire, England, Uk, Europe.

MrSandMan 02-18-2008 02:12 PM

Re: Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie Roadster
Hi willow,

Welcome to gear-monkey! I have experience with the amps you speak of and I can tell you this.... you can't go wrong with either.

The flextone (line 6) is a very versatile amp and sounds good... It's a cheap gigging amp and it is versatile. It's digital and one of line 6's lower end models so you can hear and feel it. Your trained ear will be able to tell the difference from valve amps. But for the price, it's a good bargain! esp. since it has all the built in effects. (make sure you get a FBV shortboard) -- you could probably find the complete combo package for around $500ish

Personally, I would look into the Line 6 Vetta instead, that is MUCH more amp! And they sound absolutely amazing!

Now for the Mesa Boogie Roadster.... The Roadster is the almighty amp over the Line 6- It's valve =D Very versatile with 4 channels. Unlike most valve amps, it has independent reverb and each channel is switchable to 50 watts or 100 watts and switchable to 6L6 or EL34s.

The amp is another great gigging amp, but much more expensive.. so you will probably pamper it much more. I would buy a second hand Boogie Roadster.. which will run about $1700 - $1750ish for a nice head. (the 2x12 combo Roadster are heavy to lug around. Therefore, I am turned off)

You might like the EL34s in the head, they're hotter valves and will break up better for the AC/DC -- classic rock tone. However, the 6L6GCs are my favorite (I play metal and love the thick tone)

Here is a blog that I wrote about the Roadster:

I'd go with the head and 2x12 Recto cab with Celestion Vintage 30s if you choose the Mesa Boogie Roadster. It's easier to lug around over the Roadster combo and sounds HUGE! If I were to decide for you, I'd pick the Roadster over the Line 6 Vetta. (I wouldn't consider the Line 6 Flextone as I doubt it much of an upgrade)

It really depends on your budget.... I'm sure you would be happy with either!

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