Gear-Monkey Guitar Community

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MrSandMan 06-28-2007 10:59 PM

Rules & Guidlines
Gear-Monkey Posting Guidelines

We feel these guidelines will be useful for the Mods in terms of managing the forums, but just as importantly, we hope they provide users a point of reference with which to understand the basic nature of The Gear-Monkey and also to gauge why a post may have been moderated. The ultimate aim of it all though is to enable you to ENJOY contributing to The Gear-Monkey and for others to ENJOY your contributions.

Its also worth pointing out that:

1. Mods may at times disagree on certain things. In these instance (which are rare anyway), its best to to let them work it out between themselves.
2. What is set out below is a framework, not an absolute set of rules and regulations. It will be necessary at times to moderate posts for reasons that are not outlined below.

BIG RULES: Things deemed to be totally unacceptable:

*Pornographic material


*Overt personal abuse of other posters (unless its in jest of course!)

*Harrassment of other users or posting anything which would invade their privacy.

*Spam/Commercial advertising.

*Starting one liner threads.

*Registering and using duplicate accounts whilst banned.

Please note: This is a vibrant and active online community. As such, it may be necessary for us to amend the posting guidelines from time to time to reflect the changes to the overall heartbeat of the site. If this is the case, then we'll ensure any changes are communicated to you all, but please also try to check back here once in a while to see if anything has been updated.


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