Gear-Monkey Guitar Community

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MrSandMan 11-21-2009 02:41 PM

Forum upgrades and changes
We're going to be conducting some upgrade and changes over the next few days. Hope you like the new style :biggrin:

MrSandMan 12-06-2009 01:19 PM

We're still working out the bugs. But this software is by far superior over the other stuff we had.

What do you think?

MrSandMan 12-08-2009 03:50 AM

Alright I changed up the boards to give the site more flow and easier to navigate.

Also notice: scroll down and look to the bottom left side and you'll a drop down box. It says either GreenFox or Default Style in it. That is your "Quick Style Chooser". Select the style you like best. I tend to like dark, but other folks like lighter themes for the eyes.

Nice to have that option.

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