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ninja636 09-12-2008 02:28 PM

Come join the debate!
If you have a hotmail live account, come and join this "debate" on the new metallitrash album. I'm sure you all know where I stand.

MrSandMan 09-13-2008 01:40 PM

Re: Come join the debate!
Though I agree Metallica is nothing like they were in the eighties, I kind of have a mixed opinion of this new album.

Maybe my expectations were low due to their last album [Some kind of monster]. The new album isn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, there are a couple songs that I kind of enjoyed. Certainly not enough to buy their album... but not bad.

Lars Drum mix bugs me though. Too tinny

ninja636 09-13-2008 02:37 PM

Re: Come join the debate!
I'll tell you a funny story about this cd.
Me and a buddy of mine(Mike) stood in line at Wal Mart till midnite so he could buy this cd. We popped in his cd player when we got in the car. We got back to his house and took it in to give it a good listening too while we shot some pool. When we listened to the whole cd and shot numerous games of 9 ball, it was time for me to get home. I kept my opinion to myself, to see what he thought of it. He grabbed the disc, put in it's case and brought it with us.Great I thought to myself, I get to listen to this crap again. Halfway to my house he rolls his window down and chucks the cd out the window. I asked him why the hell did you do that, and he said, I can't believe I wasted money on that bullshit man. I just laughed.

MrSandMan 09-13-2008 04:55 PM

Re: Come join the debate!
Yeah, I wouldn't buy it or waste a blank CD to burn it.

I think it's better than their recent material.... and therefore, my expectations were very low.

I'd rather listen to Megadeth any day of the week.

dayNage 11-21-2008 04:37 PM

Re: Come join the debate!

Originally Posted by ninja636
I'll tell you a funny story about this cd.
Me and a buddy of mine(Mike) stood in line at Wal Mart till midnite so he could buy this cd. We popped in his cd player when we got in the car. We got back to his house and took it in to give it a good listening too while we shot some pool. When we listened to the whole cd and shot numerous games of 9 ball, it was time for me to get home. I kept my opinion to myself, to see what he thought of it. He grabbed the disc, put in it's case and brought it with us.Great I thought to myself, I get to listen to this crap again. Halfway to my house he rolls his window down and chucks the cd out the window. I asked him why the hell did you do that, and he said, I can't believe I wasted money on that bullshit man. I just laughed.


MrSandMan 11-21-2008 04:58 PM

Re: Come join the debate!
The new album is actually starting to grow on me. It's just Lar's drums that bug me the most.

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