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MrSandMan 10-23-2007 03:04 AM

Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
Now that you created your profile page on MySpace, how do you make sure people see it?

In order to promote your music, uploading songs, providing a bio or band history, uploading photos and video of your band playing or rehearsing, and joining various forums are all great ways to promote your music. But what about those people who are new to MySpace? Or those who don't read forums or blogs? What about record producers who don't have time to sift through hundreds of pages looking for their next big recording star? Making it easy to find your page will help you build a fan base and get noticed by labels. The tips listed below are ways you can market your page.

Tip#1: Links are important

Linking your page to other musician pages and to your web site will help to drive traffic to your profile page. The music community on MySpace is filled with musicians who are into making different types of music. Hooking up with some musicians and swapping links is a good way to expand your marketing net.

Record labels love to find two or three bands at a time in order to save money and minimize search efforts. If they find a band they like, they will also check out who is linked to the page. By helping out fellow musicians, you will be doing yourself a big favor as well.

Tip#2: Selling merchandise on MySpace

Since MySpace now allows you to sell CD's and other promotional items on the site, this is a great opportunity to get your music noticed. Printed t-shirts, hats, mouse pads, and other merchandise can be printed up quickly and sold in order to build your fan base and advertise at the same time. If you have some cool stuff to sell, then you will build a reputation. More people will visit your page to see new items offered.

You can also partner with other musicians and sell items together if you choose. Cross-marketing with musicians of a different genre will allow you to tap into new markets. Most people enjoy a few different types of music. Appealing to different genres of music lovers will help build a strong, but mixed fan base.

Tip#3: Add keywords to your profile page

Specific keywords that demonstrate which genre your music belongs to, famous artists you sound like or admire, or a list of songs you upload can help get your page noticed by those conducting MySpace music searches. When people are in the mood to listen to different types of music, they usually conduct a search to find artists that match what they are looking for. Keywords allow your page to come up during searches.
Tip#4: Meeting new friends

Another way to increase traffic to your site is to meet others on MySpace. These can be musicians, music fans, tech junkies, or others that are interested in the music industry. Adding friends to your profile page will increase your exposure while increasing curiosity by those who are surfing the MySpace site. Pages that are popular will be looked at more often by others.

Increasing traffic to your profile page is crucial to your success on MySpace. While there are others way to market your music, the tips mentioned above are quick and easy to use. Getting your page out there will allow you to create a fan base and get you noticed by record labels.

Written by Clive Calvin-

(Clive Calvin and Comnexis has just published a brand new book by a famous music executive directly involved in over 653 Platinum Records! Everything needed to succeed is here. Learn EXACTLY the same strategies used by Todays Top Superstars at: Go check him out)

Monster 02-20-2008 07:19 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Brandin
very very good info....... you got a myspace page.....??? if so Pm and i can add you

MrSandMan 02-20-2008 11:46 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
Yes I do :D

I'll make a new thread for myspace link exchange.

cubis 02-05-2009 11:35 PM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
good info! i made a myspace music page a long time ago but never really used it...

crazy_guitar_man 02-06-2009 12:27 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
me and my friend had one for a acoustic project we did but we decided that we didn't like the recordings so we took them off and never recorded them again haha

cubis 02-06-2009 01:17 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
that happens to me a lot. i'll write and record something (often when i am not sober) and i'll listen to it a few times and like it. then i'll listen to it again later on and hate it so much i never redo it lol

crazy_guitar_man 02-06-2009 01:35 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
haha yeah i have found that i can play pretty well but when it comes to have to record something there is like a wall that slams in my brain and say you can not have a good recording haha but every now and then ill get something i like

cubis 02-06-2009 01:39 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
yeah oh man that's the worst

sometimes i freestyle, and i'll be rapping while i make an omelet or something and it'll be really damn good, so i keep going, finish making the food, then hurry to the other room, turn on my mic, hit record... and it immediately becomes the worst freestyle i've ever heard. i can't believe you could give yourself nerves.

crazy_guitar_man 02-06-2009 01:47 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
haha yeah thats the same way i feel...our solution to this problem was to just have both of us play just like we would play with out the recording in stead of putting two different tracks down then blending them together

cubis 02-06-2009 01:53 AM

Re: Tips and Strategies On MySpace Music Marketing, Promotion And Online Branding Fo
yeah usually you have to record separately at a recording studio... well it depends on the instruments... what did your friend play?

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