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MrSandMan 01-06-2010 01:29 PM

Harmony-Central 2.0? is totally revamping their site and calling it Harmony-Central 2.0. Anyone read the Harmony-Central 2.0 release?

What do you think, will it kill their forum? I don't like the looks of it from the screen shots that they posted. :eek:

Maybe people will migrate here to G-M? After all, we use the same software their old forum used(s).

jackal 01-06-2010 01:46 PM

I'm surprised more people haven't come here, because This forum provides Great articles and post that are informative rather then complete pages a non-sence to read through to find something useful.

you've done a great job here Mr.Sandman

ok enough lovey stuff, I have started reading it, but i don't lie the screen shots either. I think there revamping it, because there where to few admins and way to many posts, so they just stopped filtering the posts. IMO

MrSandMan 01-07-2010 04:16 PM

I thought it was worth making a poll about. So I created one on Gear-Vault. Harmony-Central 2.0 poll.

I've always liked H-C. More so than Ultimate-Guitar. Wish H-C would have just made a skin change rather than a total site revamp.

MrSandMan 04-09-2010 01:26 PM

Harmony-Central Forum is a mess
I just checked out their new forum and it's not very user friend. It's overwhelming and wayyy to web 2.0 (techie) looking - like maybe for a google or yahoo message forum. It's not very music looking. The 'Quote' feature is really weird.

Lots of forum posters are pissed off over there. I wonder how this turns out?

Redline68 04-09-2010 07:25 PM

Yeah, I just looked at it myself and gave up after a few minutes. Too hard to read.

I can probably get used to it, but didn't feel like making the effort right now.

speakerjones 04-10-2010 12:20 PM

Yeah, kind of why I'm here. Checking out some new boards. I'll go back once (if) they fix everything, but that's a pretty long list. I wonder how TGP will fare with the large migration of people they'll get.

Anyway, cool digs you have here. I like the look. Easy to use. Everything HC isn't right now.

MrSandMan 04-10-2010 03:02 PM

Glad you like it. You can also change the skin to a light one like H-C use to use by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and to the left you'll see a drop down menu. Just change that to "Default Style". It's currently "Greenfox" right now. I'm always open to suggestions how to improve the site.


Ranchero Muerto 04-12-2010 11:06 AM

It's the biggest trainwreck ever.

Coralkong 04-12-2010 01:13 PM

I am here because of the debacle that is HC 2.0.

Hello everybody.

SteveO 04-12-2010 02:15 PM

I moved since the let me say HELLO

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