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shredrick 01-10-2009 04:46 PM

OK hey there fellow muscians, got the tube vypyr 2 days ago and I have to tell you it delivers a multitude of sounds. I was able to nail the elusive brown sound much better than my old 5150, the amp has a tight low end none of that flubby fender bassman sound thank the guitar gods, the krank model I don't care for too bright, but the rest are pretty good. The knobs are better on the tube model looks like the speaker is better also and the amp enclosre is better. Of course it's heavier than it's counterpart the SS version guess the transformers are heavier don't know yet. Been playing with it more so than looking at it lol. We used it last night at practice. And the little 60 watt amp has balls and more balls.

MrSandMan 01-12-2009 06:21 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
Amazing amps. I'm thinking about getting one for recording demos. How do you like it for recording? Do you have any samples?

Have you tried darkening up the presence / eq for the Krank model?

shredrick 01-12-2009 11:43 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
Haven't recorded with it yet mainly just rehearsal and gigs. Yeah messing with the eq alot it changes the sound dramatically.
Trying to figure out how to mess with the noise gate. It has gone off on me once but figure it's a software glitch

MatrixClaw 02-01-2009 12:43 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
Man, I gotta try one of these. I keep hearing tons of good stuff about the Vyper series, but I've yet to try one.

jktaylor 03-08-2009 01:36 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
I love the tube sound and performance on the clean settings. But, the distortion models all sound the same - kinda' like "thin mud." I'm very disappointed with those. However, the clean side makes my Am. Deluxe Tele sound the best of any amp I've ever plugged into, and I've tried many over the years. I, also, don't like location of the banks and presets buttons, nor, how close together they are. In addition, I don't like the short Sanpara cable. It should be ten feet longer.

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm keeping this amp because of the clean sound. And I need to do more experimenting with the thing.

MrSandMan 03-09-2009 10:53 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
Thank you for the review. How long have you had it? Do you find it loud enough for band / gig settings?


jktaylor 03-10-2009 04:51 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
I've had it for about 6 or 7 weeks and I'm still learning about the many steps that are required in order to get usable settings saved into the banks and presets.

Yes. I think it will be loud enough for gigging, although my band is still rehearsing for now. I haven't yet played through it on a formal stage setting.

Another thing that I don't like is the fact that the amp is the noisiest amp that I've ever used, when you turn up the master volume. It's not noticeable when playing, but between songs it very distracting. I use the Sanpara I peddle, and I just back off on it between songs. Otherwise, the noise level (hissing and hum) is quite annoying.

Like some other reviews that I've read, I'm hoping that Peavey will come up with some fixes for these issues.

Brian Krashpad 04-16-2009 01:08 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
Cool, congrats. Is this Vypyr all-tube, or a hybrid?

MrSandMan 04-16-2009 01:25 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
The VYPYR 60 has one 12AX7 and two 6L6GC tubes. It's almost like a tubier-hybrid-digital. lol. It has analog distortion and a 32-bit floating point Sharc processor

wolfsbane67 05-09-2009 07:14 PM

Re: VYPYR Tube
I just recently bought the Vypyr Tube 60 and I have to say, the thing smokes. It cranks out some great tones. I bought the Sanpera 2 pedal with it. I have heard about people having issues with the set-up locking or freezing up and it didnt happen to me right away but it seemed when I hooked up the pedal via MIDI cable I get hic-ups now and then, it just locks up and that scares me. I havent even made my own patches yet,I've been using the 4 that came programmed in it which are really good, especially 6505 legend preset! I dont know if there is a software upgrade for the Vypyr line or not or even what its called if there is one. This is one heck of a modeling amp though and its loud too. I got the tube model because tubes produce the best sound and to me transistor still hasnt caught up with tube warmth and punch.

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