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characterzero 04-07-2008 10:36 PM

Who do you like for this election?
There's already been a few "make fun of Bush threads," so I was wondering who people are favoring in this upcoming election. I'm pro-Obama at this point, for several reasons.

Also, there has been lots of party division not only between democrats but also republicans. Which party stands a better chance at winning at this point? I feel that John McCain may have lost some of the evangelical ultra-conservative vote, but meanwhile democrats are also creating an increasing divide between who they support.

So what do you all think? Completely open to political bickering. :2thumbups:

Servant 04-16-2008 12:10 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
I'm a McCain guy myself. The other two are just a little less moderate than I care for.

I will now don my flamesuit as I run away screaming. :biggrin:

characterzero 04-16-2008 09:02 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
I dunno, I feel like McCain has some good qualities, but his take on the war just doesn't sit well with me. Also I feel like he started pandering more to the right just to get support, and I feel like it took away from his integrity. With the way the Republican party has been for the past administration, I feel than another republican oriented administration would only increase party polarity and create strain on our country.

floydmoline 04-16-2008 11:40 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
or you could vote for a democrat, and watch taxes sky-rocket, our right to keep and bear arms goes flyin out the window, internet is a evil thing? why of course it is lets tax it, sensor it, and crack down on piracy by infringing peoples freedom of speech since you know the ONLY real use for P2P programs and protocals is piracy.... or so the "people's party" would lead folks to believe, defend to the end a woman's right to choose to murder her unborn child, while condoning capitol punishment......... democratic party is just another way of saying "Socialist America" can anyone say U.S.S.A? happy voting comrade :-D

floydmoline 04-16-2008 11:41 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
OH forgot lol my canidate is Ron Paul (don't give up brother!!!!)

characterzero 04-19-2008 09:02 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?

Originally Posted by floydmoline
democratic party is just another way of saying "Socialist America" can anyone say U.S.S.A?

C'mon, that's the same as calling the Republican party a bunch of Fascists! While most of your reasons for disliking the democratic party are perfectly understandable, calling them a bunch of communists is a bit of a stretch.

floydmoline 04-20-2008 02:28 AM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
well the biggest reason i call the democratic party socialists is due to the fact they have 2 defining characteristics, the party as a whole not any specific group. first, they like to force the party's politics, to me when democrats get into office they seem to pass as many rediculous bills as they possibly can while they can..... too much changes too quickly and not for the better. second they do not seem to care about people even though most people believe they are a party for the poor..... ironicly socialist groups tout themselves as being "the workers party" while they could give a shit less about "the workers" same thing...... the party pushes it's political agenda more so than republican's..... when a republican takes office you don't typically see them attacking a previous democratic president's passed laws, i.e. when bush took office he didn't set to work dis-mantling NAFTA even though we all know what a cluster-fuck that was, or over-turning Roe Vs. Wade. democrats typically start changing shit as soon as they can since they know they only have 4 years to further their cause....

MrSandMan 04-20-2008 12:15 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
I was for Joe Biden till fell out of the running. Now, since all the rest of the picks sucks, I'm thinking about settling for Obama. I'm totally anti-hilary! :thumbdown:

sorry guys, I have to go Democrat.

gravywhisperer 04-30-2008 01:04 AM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
i say john mccain cuz hes just kinda laidback

Redline68 04-30-2008 10:27 PM

Re: Who do you like for this election?
I'm guessing McCain will win.

I think this election is the Democrat's to lose. They'd have to screw up pretty bad to get another Republican elected at this time, but I think they'll do it. The ongoing Billary/Obama shenanigans will doom the dems.

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