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Brian Krashpad 12-07-2009 09:19 AM

A new personal record!
Sunday was the day of a new personal record. For playing in bands in one day.

Church service at 11 with run-through at 9:30. Songs went fairly smoothly, other than having to tweak a guitar mid-song due to some tuning issues at one point. My daughter has gone from being the substitute bassist to the every-week bassist, and the former bassist is now playing acoustic guitar. The former bassist also plays trombone, which she played on a couple songs. I played electric on 4 songs, and one song each on banjo and mandolin. The pianist/bandleader has also brought in his synth keyboard in addition to the piano. So now the line-up is: Bassist (my daughter), Electric guitar/mando/banjo (me), Singer/Electric guitarist, Singer/keyboard, Acoustic guitarist/trombonist, Drummer/percussionist, and occasional flautist.

So, that was band #1.

After breaking down my gear and hauling it and myself and my daughter home, had some lunch, then went back into town at 2 p.m. to meet up with a new band, at least new to me, called Cinnamon Hill. Mellow sort of folk-based music, mostly originals. These guys are scary good. 3 part harmonies all over the place, transposing songs and using numbers instead of chords, that sort of thing. Since I was playing mandolin, which is basically my third instrument, and don't know much if any of all that theory stuff (even on guitar), I was definitely over my head, but still I think I played pretty well. For a couple songs where I didn't know some of the mando chords, I just worked out a little recurring single-note lead line on the fly instead. I also played my beater Yammy 12-string acoustic on a few songs, and as usual that old thing sounded great.

The band line-up, in addition to me playing along on mando or 12-string, was an acoustic guitarist/singer, a keyboardist/singer, a female singer, and a bassist. They also have a percussionist, but he had a work conflict. They also mentioned an electric guitarist, but I'm not sure what his status with them is. These guys are all in their 40's or so (maybe more for the bassist), and we played in the keyboardist's house's living room, with kids and spouses and such in the next room. Very homey and low-key.

So, that was band #2.

Went directly from the Cinnamon Hill practice over to my office. Next up, a Crash Pad practice. Our rhythm guitarist couldn't make it, so we played as a trio. This band plays my old-school punk rock and roll originals, that might be described as being in the same general style as the Pistols/Ramones/Buzzcocks, etc. Me on guitar/vocals, our drummer (one of my day job coworkers), and our new bassist, who is in fact a former Crash Pad drummer from a few years ago. (This is a perfect example of why it's good to stay on good terms with former bandmates if possible.) Anyhow, that went well also, the new/old guy did good, a few flubs as he's still working out parts, but basically fine.

So, that was band #3.

Last, we had a practice, following the Crash Pad practice, of Hoyt and the Hotheads. That band plays roots rock originals (think maybe the Band, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan) written and sung by Hoyt, another one of my coworkers. In that band I currently play bass. The drummer is the same drummer from Crash Pad, so we were already there. Hoyt, the lead singer/rhythm guitarist arrived, and we started as a trio. Later, our erstwhile lead guitarist (he has come and "jammed" with us at a number of practices but has never played a show with us) Mike showed up, so we finished as a 4-piece.

So, that was band #4.

And how was your weekend?

PS-- the Cinnamon Hill peeps later (via e-mail) asked me back to their next practice so that seems like a good sign.

MrSandMan 12-07-2009 02:47 PM

Wow, looks like you had a busy day. How did you manage not having percussion for band number 2 / Cinnamon Hill ?

What Bass is your daughter jammin' on lately, the Peavey?

Sounds like you had a nice musical workout all in day! Sounds like fun :D

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