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floydmoline 03-12-2008 09:54 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
i've been doing electronic gizmos for a long long time, started with electronics in career center in high school, i liked to build new stuff rather than fix the broken stuff lol

senor_penguin 03-12-2008 10:43 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
I hear you there man ha

floydmoline 03-13-2008 07:03 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
still working on getting tonebender clips up lol, been a little bit busy last few days

jackal 03-14-2008 10:25 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
well here a way to get your post to add up, lol... Sounds interesting man how long have you been building pedals? and what do you sell them for.. you know cause i have money to throw around, lol jk..
but really what do you charge?

floydmoline 03-14-2008 11:10 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
i don't do it commercially like keely or those guys, like said i have no money to do it with being unemployeed currently, so as such if i built them for folks it'd have to be on a per pedal, per person basis, i'd only charge you guys on here materials and the price would vary from box to box, roughly it cost me about 25 dollars to build a silicon fuzzface, it was about 27 for the MXR guy, and the tonebender was a bit more due to the germanium transistors, that guy cost me 35, i built a MXR phase 45 clone a while back that ran me 35, and an "orange squeezer" compressor that was 27 but i was not all that impressed by it, i guess it did what guitar compressors do, just seemed useless to me lol, but like i said for the time being it'd be just the cost of materials (and shipping) i'd not charge labor, 2 reasons word of mouth advertising is worth more than a radio ad, and they'd be one off deals custom built, so if anyone wants something feel free to contact me, i'm working on a deal with someone on this board for a couple pedals i don't know if they want the cat let outta the bag on it as yet lol so i'll leave it at that, but once those are done folks on here will have something to go from as far as how well they are made and how they sound. biggest reason i haven't gotten into it commercially is building pedals at this time seems an awful lot like scrapping metal, everyone and their uncle joe is doing it, some are doing it stupidly and charging over 200 dollars for a custom deal (but that's not my style)

jackal 03-14-2008 11:15 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
over 200 , lol there charging over 500 here, well there mostly from denmark, so there custom imports... anyway i'll message you and talk more..

floydmoline 03-14-2008 11:34 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
ouch 500 bone way to much lol

characterzero 04-06-2008 10:54 AM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
Cool work, I'm looking to start building effects soon, yet as of now I lack soldering talent. But I am planning on building a fuzz and a MOSFET booster. One thing is I don't have a breadbox to try stuff out on, but I'm building from schematics that are already tested and proven, so how important do you think having a breadbox for setup is?

I figure the simple fuzz should be a good first project. Any tips/tricks for the first time builder?

floydmoline 04-07-2008 10:49 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
i use a breadboard just simply to see if it's something i am going to use and if it is a pedal worth of committing to a box, it's easier to tune a pedal on a breadboard than it is to tweek once it's soldered and in a box, and so far i have yet to find a pedal design that sounded good as is they all need to be tuned and tweeked to some degree, specifically fuzzes, fuzz pedals are very funky devices, they are the most variable devices you can make, take very few parts yes, easy to put together yes, easy to get a good sound NO lol, seems everything effects a fuzz pedal, the ambient temperature, one cap sounds great the next one makes it sound like crap, even when both are theoretically identical, my recommended first build would always be a opamp clipper, MXR distortion +, or a DOD OD250 etc, any LM741 based pedal.

characterzero 04-07-2008 10:57 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
Thanks for the advice, I guess originally I just assumed the fuzz wouldn't be too picky if it wasn't germanium based, but I guess not. Also just realized I showed my complete noobishness and incompetence by constantly referring to the "breadbox." But I guess I was close enough so you got what I meant.

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