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characterzero 04-05-2008 11:32 PM

Re: how did you learn to play guitar???
When I picked up guitar, I already knew how to play keys along with a bunch of music theory. As a result I taught myself guitar pretty easily. But for anyone who hasn't had any sort of musical education, I highly recommend getting some lessons, as they'll make everything much easier.

Servant 04-06-2008 10:08 PM

Re: how did you learn to play guitar???
Self taught and then married a formally trained musician - FTW!! :biggrin:

Redline68 04-11-2008 06:41 PM

Re: how did you learn to play guitar???
My Dad taught me a few open chords on an old, cracked F-Hole Harmony acoustic when I was a kid. The strings hurt my fingers and I lost interest. Flash forward 25 years and my wife buys me a guitar for Christmas out of the blue (sometime, somewhere I strummed one for her while we were dating years earlier).

I started learning for real via books and videos. I'm considering taking a few lessons as I think it would help me improve.

shredz4life 12-10-2009 06:22 PM

I picked up a guitar one day and I didn't know how to tune it, so I spent a long time figuring out the spacing of the notes on the High E string (whole steps and half steps and all that).

Then I went on to the other strings just like that. Then I started to see certain patterns and finally started learning some chords. After about 2 1/2 years of playing none stop I finally took lessons from the most unlikely source - a bluegrass musician. Man did I learn a lot from that guy.

I'm never finished learning how to play guitar though. I discover new things every day - I love this stuff :)

smorgdonkey 04-16-2010 03:53 PM

I took lessons and learned the cowboy chords & some scales and just kept on trying to learn as time went on. I think the biggest thing for me is that I never had a specific interest or direction to go when I took lessons.

TheSoad25 04-16-2010 06:26 PM

I'm still trying to learn om my own and then go to a school that teaches it:p

psylocke24 09-18-2010 03:02 AM

I am still trying to learn to play guitar, I am taking my lessons for 1 month now. I hope sooner I can play all by myself.

zacharygriver 12-08-2010 01:25 AM

Try to learn the cards in order to get better at playing real songs. It also helps the songs later. When you can play well enough, you should try to learn the theory. Learn scales, chords, keys, spaces and more comfortable. I would also suggest learning to play fingerstyle. If you play fingerstyle blues or jazz, then you have some talent.

breakthu_72 02-11-2011 11:44 AM

Hmmm...I have a guitar chord chart. Every time I listen to songs and surf the internet for the chords, I intend to cheat the chord from it.

jamesdikhi 06-06-2011 05:06 AM

Currently i am learning how to play guitar and whenever i gets time I search for online lessons to know more about it. Your tips are nice hope I will become a good player soon.

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