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Redline68 04-23-2008 10:19 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Very cool set-up. I agree that some foam mught be worth a try.

Ludwig 04-25-2008 12:02 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Considering limited resources, for drums you do need to get some degree of absorption around the drums in order to minimize flutter. Again, try the thick blankets or curtains to the left and right of the kit, off the wall. If you are using just three mics for example, put one mic in your kick (remember, the closer the mic is to your head, the less low and more attack you will have) and two mics above as overheads. It is important to get the two mics equal distance from your snare to avoid phase problems, so use a string to measure the distance to center of snare and adjust overheads accordingly.

I am not a huge Beatles fan, but their early recording used one mic in the kick and one overhead.

characterzero 04-26-2008 09:49 AM

Re: Studio Pics--

Originally Posted by Ludwig
It is important to get the two mics equal distance from your snare to avoid phase problems, so use a string to measure the distance to center of snare and adjust overheads accordingly.

Ooh, that's a really good point that I would never think of! Me and some friends are doing a little recording this afternoon, I'll be sure to try the string thing. We've been using the 1 kick, 2 overhead ways and it sounds pretty good, we just have some trouble picking up the low toms. We're recording into this sweet digital 12 track deal, so we can do everything live and end up with very good quality for a demo recording. The only problem is our bassist forgot to save one of our best takes!

MrSandMan 04-26-2008 11:08 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Great advice ludwig. Rep added :sweet:

characterzero 04-27-2008 06:23 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
^ Oh yeah, I'll add rep too. Thanks again.

Ludwig 04-28-2008 06:57 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Sure thing guys...I am into the recording aspect of music and would be happy to help any way I can.

Thanks on the "rep" props, but what does that mean?

Ludwig 04-28-2008 06:58 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Never mind...just spotted it off to th left. :yess:

ninja636 05-15-2008 08:37 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Thats a nice studio dude. My "studio" sans my recording gear, and most of my guitar gear(thanks to the local crackheads that stole it), is little more than a spare bedroom in our "new" house.It's pretty sweet though, hardwood floors, and DOUBLE walls. Thats right, all the walls in this house were "doubled", meaning, instead of replacing the old walls, they just built new ones up in front of the old ones. I did a little sound proofing research too, and found that this is supposed to be the best way to sound proof. I can be playing , and have my amp up pretty loud, and you can barely hear it through the rest of the house, till you open the door that is, then the sound waves will rip the flesh from your face. Or at least thats the way one friend of mine put it. Since this house has a crawl space, I'm gonna double the floor as well sometime in the near future, and the ceiling will get the double up treatment too. The only weak spot is the window, short of closing it off, which ain't gonna happen, I just stuff sheets of foam in it. Also, upon inspecting the walls, I found they are all brick covered with tile or some kinda stucco material(under the sheet rock thats up now) actually I found this out when I was trying too install some shelving, and my drill bit quit penetrating, started smoking, and then broke.

Vintageheadbox 07-17-2008 10:49 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
That very cool Mr S.. Heres My control room Just a basement studio

MrSandMan 07-17-2008 11:00 PM

Re: Studio Pics--
Wow Jerry! You know what's more amazing than your studio, is the fact that you can successfully operate it.

I would love to hear some of your recordings.

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