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floydmoline 03-08-2008 09:31 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
then i dry fit everything together on the board, without soldering, to make sure i don't run out of room, once the stuff i soldered on it's quite a task to take it back off to reconfigure it.

floydmoline 03-08-2008 09:34 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
all is soldered together, and this is what my "traces" look like, i like to follow old school methods, it's cheap, effective, might not look like a boss, but i garuntee it is just as rugged as a printed circuit board, plus side of point to point is it's not quite as noisy as a PCB is

floydmoline 03-08-2008 09:36 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
you must forgive the messy wiring and fuzzy joints, this is after all a proto-type, not intended to be perfect, but what it all looks like in the box....

floydmoline 03-08-2008 09:41 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
and the final touch one last layer of insulation before the sound test :-D once i plugged it in and started to play it, it deffinatly sounds fuzzy, like a good tonebender should, a few mods i would prolly make is a tone stack of some nature, since this thing sucks bass, but i haven't found a fuzz box that don't suck bass other than a big muff, the fuzz face, maestro fuzz, and fuzzrite all suck bass /shrug it sounds good to me, but we all have our own tastes, tomorrow maybe i can post a clip of it.

Burnly 03-09-2008 12:22 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
What do you charge to build a pedal for someone else?

torgeot 03-09-2008 12:32 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
looks very cool man. Have any sound clips of it?

Monster 03-09-2008 12:45 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
wow very nice..... and i agree what do you charge.. i would love a monster

floydmoline 03-10-2008 01:56 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
i don't charge much over tha cost of materials, i don't see the point of charging 250 dollars for some thing that takes an hour of time and 20 dollars worth of parts to build... i don't have the capitol to build first and charge later, that's the whole reason i haven't tried to start building botique boxes, finishing boxes is where i have trouble lol and the only reason i'd charge more than 40 dollars lol finishing is a nightmare if you want it to look really nice

floydmoline 03-11-2008 02:15 AM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
sound clips of the MXR distortion+ clone are up, i made 2 slight mods to it, so it don't clean up as well, but has more bass through it...... i put a 250K pot for gain instead of the 500k that was original, since i could really careless if it "cleans up" when the distortion is turned down heh and i changed the input and output caps to allow more bass in and out, so it has more gain availible than a stock one and more bass..... since i wanted a dirt box that was a true for life overdrive that didn't sound different when engaged, and had a bit more ompf than the what it had originally which was not much of a distortion so much as an overdrive. i sampled it in most configurations i could .... signal path goes epiphone les paul standard ---> MXR ---> peavey windsor (bass 2:00, mids 1:00, treble 5:00, resonace max, presence 3:00) clean ---> my new homemade 2X12 (which is currently a 2X10) ---> nady SP-1 dynamic mic ---> korg D888 digital recorder ---> USB cable ---> toshiba satellite pro notebook ---> sonar 4 producer edition ---> 96Kb/s MP3 and i know there are nasty artifacts from the MP3 compressor LAME codec don't do well with lower bit-rates..... no there is no EQing reverb, normalization, compression or anything just the straight up signal.

senor_penguin 03-12-2008 05:33 PM

Re: My other hobby - Effects pedals
nice man, I would love to make pedals, but I'm still learning to do soldering ha

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