View Full Version : Oh yeah...

09-14-2008, 02:33 PM
I forgot to mention, I'll be back on the road in about 2-3 weeks baby!!!YEAH!! I went for all those damn tests and spent thousands of dollars to check out why I have double vision, just so they could tell me, we're not gonna do surgery at this time sir, we'll just put a bigger prism in your glasses, and when those quit working we'll do the surgery. Man thank goodness for insurance, I only had to pay 30 bucks for the glasses. Anyways, after we went and got my glasses my wife took me to look at a new truck(used, but new to me) cause she said she doesn't want me to ride my motorcycle all the time :frownz:. Oh well, at least I'll have a vehicle to haul my equipment around in now. The Neon was a little cramped with all my gear in it, and me and my wife driving. They still don't know WHY I have double vision, they just speculate that when I was younger my muscles were strong enough to compensate for it, and now that I'm older, they've weakened and can't anymore. Anyways, if any of you guy's are in Alabama and a flamed crotch rocket passes you on one wheel, that'll be me! :2thumbups:

Brian Krashpad
09-17-2008, 03:44 PM
Drive safe you nutbar! :w: